Summer Camp

Summer FunAugust 1-8

We closed out our Building, Creating, and Inventing Unit and moved onto a celebration of the Summer Olympics and Brazil. 
Some classes created their own Olympic torches. We had fun painting with rings dipped in the Olympic colors: red, yellow, green, blue, and black. The preschool classes worked cooperatively to make a giant Olympic flag using hand prints. It is hanging on the wall near the Ducklings room. Some children created their own medals out of ribbon and cardboard, while others crowned themselves with paper wreaths of glory. 
Knucklebones came and met with the toddlers and each of the preschool classes. The time with Corey was divided into two sections: Track and Field and Gymnastics. The children warmed up with yoga stretches, learned how to shot put and do the discus throw, ran and jumped over hurdles, and learned how to jump over the (mini) high bar. They also did forward rolls on a wedge, jumped off a springboard, and practiced balancing arms while walking on a beam. Corey is awesome – we always have a blast with him!
As part of our celebration of Brazil we listened to Brazilian music and created Brazilian tambourines and headbands. If any of our families have ties to Brazil, we would love to have you share your culture with us.olympic_rings_on_white_206913
Hugh Hanley came to sing with us – a favorite with the children and teachers!
Next week: we will continue our celebration of the Summer Olympics and Brazil
Whew – we have been busy!!